My name is Ikuko Murata, I'm a physical therapist and a personal trainer.

Are your legs the same length on the right and left?
Those who answered "the same".
Is that true?
Have you ever consulted to an expert to see if there is a difference between the right leg and the left leg?
In fact, many people have leg length discrepancy.
There is even literature that as many as 90% of people have a leg length discrepancy of 10 mm or less.
References: Knutson GA. Anatomic and functional leg-length inequality: a review and recommendation for clinical decision-making. Part I, anatomic leg-length inequality: prevalence, magnitude, effects and clinical significance. Chiropractic & Osteopathy 2005
But from my actual clinical experience, I feel that 90% is a little bit too much.
I feel like it's about 40 - 50%, but it's still a big number, almost half.
A small difference of 1 to 2 mm does not affect the body so strongly, so I may have overlooked it.
Anyway, the leg length discrepancy is not "rare" but it's "common".
Recently I had family clients who had a big leg length discrepancies.
The leg length discrepancy problem is common like this family.
The leg length discrepancy causes various physical problems as I will write in another article later.
The cause of the trouble may be the leg length discrepancy, and even if there is no trouble now, it will be a cause of troubles in the future.
Therefore, even if you don't feel the leg length discrepancy now, I think it's better to take a check up once.
Well, then in the first question above, I think there are surprisingly many people who answered that "Yes! My legs are different on the right and left!".
I've seen many people's bodies as a physiotherapist and a fitness trainer, and some of them were aware of their leg length discrepancy already and had been worried for a long time.
When I always tell the client about their leg length discrepancy, I try not to shock the client as much as possible, because it's very a sensitive problem.
But I really remember one client who has the leg length discrepancy.
When I told her about her leg length discrepancy, she said "I know right? I thought so too! I've consulted some therapists but all of them says there was no leg length discrepancy. I've felt strange for a long time but I didn't know what to do! Do you agree? Thank you!!"
Honestly I was shocked...
In this way, some people have been worried about:
・ They are not sure if there is a leg length discrepancy
・ They are not sure which expert they should consult to
・ They are not sure how to deal with it
・ If left untreated, the body will break little by little...
When I inserted an insole to such clients and the trouble was solved quickly,
I felt happy but sometimes I get confused "Why such simple problem has been neglected until now."
So! I will explain about the "leg length discrepancy" here in several articles.
I would like to make the articles useful for those who are suffering from leg length discrepancy of course, those who are having physical problems due to leg length discrepancy, those who don't have pain now but have a risk of problems due to leg length discrepancy in the future, and in addition therapists who feels the need for knowledge of leg length discrepancy.
The table of contents is as follows.
< table of contents about the leg length discrepancy >
① What kind of effect on the body? (lower back, knee, hip...)
② What kind of effect on walking?
③ What are the causes of the leg length discrepancy?
④ How is it handled in the rehabilitation field (in Japan)?
⑤ How to measure in the rehabilitation field (in japan)
⑥ How to measure effectively and correctly
⑦ Will the leg length discrepancy be corrected?
⑧ How should we deal with it?
⑨ How to make an insole for the leg length discrepancy
⑩ Some case studies
To Be Continued :)
I have a clip explaining about this topic too → YouTube
Thank you for reading.
I hope this article will be a helpful to improve your body!
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