Price list
・First total body Check
Pair discount:\18,000 / each
*For females: Home service available. Tokyo and nearby area.
Home service fee is \2,000. Transportation to be shouldered by client.
・Private session
face-to-face session (1 hour):\10,000
Discounted promo: \48,000 for 5 sessions (voucher valid for 6 months)
face-to-face session (1.5 hour):\13,000
*For females: Home service available. Tokyo and nearby area.
Home service fee is \2,000. Transportation to be shouldered by client.
online session (1 hour):\8,000
Discounted promo : \39,000 for 5 sessions (voucher valid for 6 months)
・Group session (females only)
\4,000 per session (first time discount: \3,000)
・Online Session Membership (Every Wednesday, females only)
1 month subscription : \6,000
For enrollment in the middle of the month: \2,000 each time
3-month subscription : \16,000 (\2,000 discount)
・Body type classification (For females only)
< Discounted Set Course >
・6months Full-course (For new female clients only)
This refers to all available services offered. Highly recommended if you want to transform your body!
1. Initial full-body check
2. Body type classification
3. Private session 2 times / 1 month
4. Group session 2-3 times / 1 month
5. Online session membership Every Wednesday
Original price: \240,500 → \180,000 (\60,500 discount)
・6months semi full-course (For new female clients only)
This is full-course without online membership.
1. Initial full-body check
2. Body type classification
3. Private session 2 times / 1 month
4. Group session 2-3 times / 1 month
Original price: \204,500 → \150,000(\54,500 discount)
・Private course for 6 months (Can be used only once)
Highly recommended for those who want a private session every week.
Private session 4 times / 1 month
Original price: \240,000 → \200,000 (\40,000 discount)
・Semi private course of 6 months (Can be used only once)
Highly recommended for those who want a private session every other week.
Private session 2 times / 1 month
Original price: \120,000 → \100,000 (\20,000 discount)
<Payment method>
Face to face session : cash
Online session : paypal / bank transfer
Each set course : cash / paypal / bank transfer