My name is Ikuko Murata, I'm working as a physical therapist and personal trainer in Tokyo.
Today's article is a continuation of the previous one (Ms.S's lower back pain:2).
To understand today's article, you need to read this article(Ms.S's lower back pain:1)
Today's article would be a good information for those who are worried about the possibility of leg length difference in right & left.
table of contents
1. It is necessary to use a insole to correct her tilting pelvis
Ms.S's pelvis was tilting to the left.
The reason was her shorter leg in left side.
(About this leg length problem, I will explain in other article, because it will be big volume to explain...)
For the time being, if the leg lengths are physically different, honestly we cannot change it.
Even if we pray a lot to extend the left leg, it's impossible.
And it hurts to cut the long right leg.
So what do you think we should do?
At first, we have to accept the difference.
And it's important to deal with well by using a insole, heel pad.

↑the insole I'm using.
So, we tried the insole under her heel.
I assessed in each 1mm, and 3mm was best for her.
2. Let's compare the left stance with insole & without insole
First, let's focus on the shorter side, left leg.
At the moment of the left foot lands, the center of gravity falls down with big impact.
Of course, the reason is it's shorter.
And on the opposite side right leg, the center of gravity goes up.
Of course, the reason is it's longer.
The walking rhythm is not constant↓
Can you see the difference between the left and right rhythms?
Next, this is a walking which we put the 3mm heel pad inside of the socks↓
The difference in rhythm is reduced.
Also she said " it's better!".
3. Let's compare the right stance with insole & without insole
Next, let's compare the longer side: right.
In the right stance, let's focus the lumbar spine movement not a rhythm.
What should be noted is the degree of right bending of the lumbar spine↓

Without heel pad, lumbar spine is bent to right a lot,
on the other hand, with 3mm heel pad, lumber spine right bending decreased.
With heel pad, probably because balance get better, her arm are not so spreading.
4. The advantage of insole for her
It's better to use a insole because walking posture changes instantly just by putting it.
On the contrary, it will be difficult to resolve the right lower back pain without using it.
But... I know...
many of my client says same thing... "Troublesome 8->".
I can understand.
But, even if it is troublesome to use it all the time, I think it is important to manage it by herself, such as walking for a long time.
In the case of having a different leg lengths like her, it's necessary to deal with it as a lifelong problem.
There is no need to become too excessive, but the continuation is necessary.

・If the leg length is really different, solution is only one, insole!
・Strong impact in her left stance decreased by using a insole.
・Lumbar right bending in her right stance decreased by using a insole.
・Thank you insole!!
・In the case of the difference of leg length, even if you feel a troublesome, I recommend to use a insole as much as you can.
Thank you for reading.
I explain about her case study in YouTube also(Japanese).
I hope this article will be a helpful information to improve your body!
・For those who want to solve the problem and prevent the problem in the future
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・You can achieve your body goal effectively by knowing your body type